
Cleans CrossFit Techniques And Guide 2022

Whatever kind of level of athlete you are or want to be, understanding the cleans CrossFit technique is vital.

While it’s not one of the 9 essential CrossFit exercises, cleans show into play in a variety of traditional CrossFit workouts, and in competitive settings like the Games and at the Open.

They’re not the most straightforward move to learn, however, there’s an easy method to break down the exercise for those who are new to it. After a few weeks of repetition, you’ll be able to get the fundamentals down in only the course of a few exercises.

Cleans CrossFit Techniques And Guide 2022

In this article, we’ll show you how cleaning can be integrated into CrossFit and the benefits that you’ll reap by programming this exercise, as well as how to do the various clean exercises within CrossFit.

What’s a Clean CrossFit?

Cleans are a useful, multi-joint exercise that is used in CrossFit. In order to perform the Clean, an athlete brings an oversized barbell from the floor onto their shoulder in one quick motion.

The two main kinds of cleans that you’ll see in CrossFit training are the power clean and the squat clean. They are used within metabolic conditioning exercises (MetCons) and strength training often.

Common variants of the clean that you’ll see in CrossFit include hang-clean (or hang power cleanse), as well as muscle, cleanses, kettlebell cleans and dumbbell cleans.

What's a Clean CrossFit?

Although CrossFit played a role in the popularity of this workout it did not originate from CrossFit.

Cleans are actually one part of an exercise known as”clean and jerk which is a form of strength that is typically performed at the Summer Olympics.

In addition to the snatch, athletes have 3 chances to determine the most difficult 1-rep maximum of each exercise for an overall score.

Clean Technique

  • Set-Up Start by placing your feet at an incline of hip-width. Place the hands of your barbell until they are about one thumb’s width away from the hips. Hold the barbell in the hook grip. Then, brace your center.
  • Execution Your shoulders and hips should be rising at the same speed during the pull.
  • Stretch your knees and hips quickly and completely. Relax your shoulders and then pull yourself into the bar.
  • Take the bar to the rack’s front position in the lower part of the squat.
  • Final Start by standing tall and achieving full knee and hip extension towards the highest point of your exercise.
  • Maintain your bar at a rack position until your knees or hips are fully extended.

When you are doing the WOD calls for a “power cleaning,” receive the barbell in a 1/4 squat, or half-squat position. When it is the WOD calls for the “muscle clean,” receive the barbell in an upright position.

Clean Technique

If the WOD requires”hang clean” or a “hang cleanse” or “hang power clean,” begin the movement by placing the barbell higher than the knees.

The Points of Performance achieve a “good reputation,” ensure the following:

  • The barbell begins at the ground (unless the “hang” position is required)
  • The hip crease falls below the knee crease near the bottom of your squat (unless it is a “power” or “muscle” cleanse is needed)
  • The goal is to reach the full extension of your knee and hip at the top, then bring the bar back to the floor
  • While in the front rack position the elbows are directly in front of the bar.

Pro-Tip Your first clean pull (when you raise the bar off the ground until mid-thigh) must be an even, controlled pull. If you pull or pull the bar away from the ground, you could change your position and fall off the balance. It will result in an ineffective lift, especially in the case of a heavyweight.

How to Do a Clean

The easiest method to get rid of an unclean is to master all three stages: beginning with the pull, then standing (or the end).

How to Do a Clean


  • Feet Start by placing your legs under the bar and in an arm-width position. *

Line your feet to the top of your shoes. If you move them any further, the bar will strike your shins. Move it toward your toes, and you’ll lose your pulling power.

  • Catch the bar, with your thumbs close to the Knurling. Your grip for deadlifting is probably near where you need to be, but some prefer hands that are a bit wider.
  • Hook grip Use your thumb to wrap around the bar and place your four fingers on the top. Release the squeeze to lock it in position. Your thumb should not be in a position to move.

* Olympic lifts such as the clean and snatch are done using a hook grip to stop the bar from sliding from your hands during heavier weights. It can be painful at first however, with time it becomes more comfortable. A small amount of tape on your thumb can keep tears from forming on the inner part of the thumb.

  • The body position: Line up your shoulders directly over the bar, and the hips slightly lower than in a deadlift position. Knees bent, flat back, shins vertical, bodyweight in heels.


  • The first time you pull Your shoulders and hips towards the ceiling at the same time. Maintain your arms straight and your hips lower until the bar reaches your knee.
  • The second to drive through the heels and torso, you should pull your body vertically and extend your hips to the max (enough to let your feet drop off on the floor) and then shrug the bar using straight arms. When the bar rises, lower your arms beneath it and lower yourself to a squat. The bar should be placed on your shoulders while in the forwarding rack position.


  • At the bottom of the squat, You’ve snagged the bar at the lower part of the front squat position. Find your balance, and then drive through your feet until you are in an upright position.

For the last repetition, drop the bar to the floor (in a controlled manner) or allow it to fall to the hang power in a clean position. Then, repeat.

If you’re brand new do this test with an unfilled bar or PVC pipe.

It is beneficial to use bumper plates to start with an identical mid-shin position for every repetition. If you are using an empty bar PVC pipe, you can try to replicate the position rather than starting on the floor.

How To Do a Power Cleans – Step-By-Step

There are five steps required to complete the power cleans. These are set up the pull, pull, scoop catch, release, and release.


Step One: Setting Up

  1. Standing tall, with your feet about at a hip distance, and put the barbell in front of your feet. If your ability to move isn’t as strong you can employ a lift or blocks to lift the bar up so you can lift it more comfortably.
  2. Reduce your body into a Squat position and grasp the bar by placing your palms in front of your legs. Your hands are on your shins and slightly larger than shoulder-width and spaced apart.
  3. The spine should be stretched out so that it doesn’t feel as if you are hunched over. The backstays lengthened as well as were strong throughout the whole exercise. Focus on the forward direction.
  4. Keep core engaged to ensure your back and midsection are secure.

Step Two: Is Pulling

  1. The bar should be lifted as you get up while keeping the weight in close proximity to the body. It should feel as if you’re pulling the bar across your shins, and then above your knees.
  2. Keep lifting up until you have the bar just above your hips. Your back should be straight, with the shoulders positioned over your hips. The knees, ankles, and hips are all aligned. Keep your core strong and the back in good shape.

Step Three: Second Scoop and Pull

  1. Relax your knees in preparation for the next sequence of moves.
  2. The thrust or “scoop” your hips forward with a strong human movement that will bring the bar closer to the chest. This intense move could involve lifting the heels of your feet or your feet could leave the floor.
  3. The shoulders should be elevated to generate strength as you push your bar into the last phase of this exercise. Bend your elbows, and then push them forward in preparation for the next stage.

Fourth Step: Catch

  1. You should pull your body beneath the bar while you keep lifting. Your elbows will move upwards (under the bar) and your shoulders will slide forward, which makes it feel like your shoulders are pulling downwards and backward.
  2. In a quarter squat, drop into a position and keep your back strong and the posture straight.
  3. Make sure the bar is placed on the front of the shoulders.

Fifth Step: Stand and Release

  1. Make sure you stand tall, with your weight firmly across the top of your shoulders.
  2. Don’t take more weight until it is on the flooring in a gradual controlled, controlled way.

The Squat Cleans

Cleans squats in CrossFit are often called cleans. The majority of coaches and athletes will use the word “clean” when referring to the complete squat cleans. If they would like you to clean your body or hang clean during a workout, they will usually specify.

Other variations that make up the Power Clean

It is possible to modify this exercise to fit the fitness level of your objectives.

No Weight Limit for Beginners

If you’re new to this exercise, do the exercises with no weight whatsoever or use an extended bar. This lets you learn the order of the exercises while you practice safe weight training techniques and methods.

No Weight Limit for Beginners

Clean and Press

After you’ve mastered how to clean your body, think about including the overhead press. This workout is known as”the cleaning and pressing. For a more challenging variation, consider adding an overhead lift at the conclusion of the cleaning, pushing the bar upwards towards the ceiling, and then returning it back to the ground.

How to Enhance Your Clean

Most athletes notice improvements (after beginning to master the exercises) by figuring out the position they’re weakest in and then working specifically on that area that they are weak in.

The clean can be broken into:

  • The setting
  • The pulls (1 and 2))
  • The final (the cath as well as the stand)

Here are some helpful tips to enhance each part of your home’s cleanliness:

The Installation

  • Learn your hook grip. In some cases, the only aspect to cleans is the strength of grip. The grip on the hook can be painful initially but your thumb will soon be used to it. Try deadlifts using the hook grip every few days.
  • Plate squeezes. If you’re having trouble with grip strength, issue, consider adding these to the last part of your exercise routine.

The Two Pulls

The first pull is designed to lift the bar over the knee. The second pull will see you stretch your hips, and shrug, before falling back into the target position to grab the bar.

The Two Pulls

The First Pull

Movement Demo – The Romanian Deadlift

  • Try deadlifts in Romania (RDLs). RDLs strengthen the hamstring as well as lower back strength and help to master the basics that the pull begins with. Try them with the slow side for a 6-count count to increase hamstring strength.
  • Improve deadlift strength. Although not exactly the same technique (with cleans that start by placing your shoulders higher over the bar) Building up posterior strength will carry over to the first lift of cleans.

Second Pull

  • Practice hang cleans. The pull from the hang position to catch will emphasize the explosive nature that follows the pull. Utilize lightweight weights and be active using your hips.
  • Rack cleans/pulls for practice. Set the rack’s pins at a height that is just above knee level. Perform Rack pulls (the top part of a deadlift that locks the bar) or cleaning from this position. It’s an ideal opportunity to improve the grip on the hook.

The End (Catch the Catch Stand)

  • Make sure you are building up the front of your squat. A solid front squat can allow you to come back on a fresh clean much simpler. Professionals at the highest level Olympic athletes will generally front squat higher than they clean. Front squats with pauses or slow count are excellent, too.
  • Learn to catch with the bar using high pins or blocks. Place the blocks at the belly button’s height. Then pull the bar, and try to catch and receive from the lower.
  • Do your best to improve Front rack flexibility. Get your shoulders moving by doing simple exercises for shoulder mobility. If your forearms are strained you can roll them out using the help of a foam roller.

Safety and precautions

If you’re experiencing problems in your shoulders, back, and lower body joints, then it could be better to stay clear of the exercise. Consult your physician or physical therapist if this exercise is suitable for you. If you experience any pain any time during the power cleanse then stop the exercise right away.

Although it is typical to load your barbell with weight plates of 45 pounds or more, there’s no need to be lifting this much weight when you’re just beginning. Start with 10-pound plates or maybe less if you need to. The goal is to finish anywhere between 1 and 5 repetitions.

Read alsoHow To Do Split Jerk CrossFit.

Cleans CrossFit F.A.Q.

What are cleans in CrossFit?

The clean is the act of lifting a load from the ground and then transferring it to the shoulders, where the object is prepared to be lifted overhead. The clean let us begin by standing over an object, pulling it up moving underneath it, and supporting it.

What muscles do cleans work?

Power cleans can build muscles throughout your upper and lower body and lower body, including those quadriceps, deltoids core, and triceps, as in posterior chain muscles such as hamstrings, glutes lower back muscles, and the trapezius muscle in the upper part of your back. Cleansing with power increases your explosive strength.

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