What is a snatch in CrossFit: Best snatch exercises

What is a snatch in CrossFit: main standing position, snatch variations, benefits, best snatch exercises

CrossFit snatches are quite complex, so it takes time and energy to learn them. However, anyone who wishes to improve their physical fitness should try this technique. More about the snatch grip deadlift you can read in this article.

Features of the snatch in CrossFit

Many wonders what is a snatch in CrossFit. This is an exercise that is dynamic and involves the use of a weighting agent, for example, a barbell. The bottom line is that a person needs to sharply raise the bar from the ground in a certain position, using just one movement.

Even though the snatch is not included in the list of CrossFit exercises, however, some variations of it can be found in different areas. This is a good exercise if you need to do metabolic training, individual strength training, as well as in CrossFit competitions.

The classic version of the snatch technique involves the use of a barbell with a load. However, as an alternative, you can use kettlebells, dumbbells, PVC pipes, etc. It all depends on the capabilities of the athlete.

Snatches are found even in the program of Olympic Weightlifting. During the clean and jerk, athletes have several attempts to lift the barbell in one set, with a maximum in the exercise. The overall result is called the “sum”.

Benefits of snatching in CrossFit

Snatch in CrossFit differs in a certain list of advantages, namely:

  • the best explosive force;
  • development of the shoulders and upper body. Muscles become stronger;
  • improved hook grip strength;
  • the upper and lower parts of the body are more mobile;
  • the quality of coordination improves. It is easier for a person to look for a balance in the future and maintain it;
  • development of reflexes, due to which they become faster;
  • improving the quality of posture, as well as familiarity with biomechanics.

As you can see, snatch in CrossFit has a huge list of benefits. They need to be performed with a wide snatch grip.

It should be larger than in the case of other exercises, during which barbells are used, for example, taking on the chest.

Due to the wide coverage, you can make the back muscles stronger. This improves the quality of the muscles of the upper body.

It is important to move the barbell off the ground as far and as far as possible to develop your pulling power.

Features of snatches in CrossFit

The snatch movement is considered a technical action in which numerous moving parts are used. That is why, to master each step, it is necessary to break the exercise into parts. So training will be easier and easier.

Yes, you can combine all parts of the exercise at once. However, it is better not to rush, and be patient. This will guarantee you success.

First position

It makes sense to start training with this tactic. You need to go to the crossbar and put your feet shoulder-width apart.

Then make a slight tilt, and grab the crossbar with your hands. Grasp the crossbar firmly. To do this, the rest of the fingers are placed on the thumb, forming a hook grip.

Look carefully in front of you, and turn your elbows forward. The back must be kept straight. After you need to start shrinking to its original position.

First spurt

First, you need to raise the barbell snatch, adjoining it to the shins. In this case, the first position cannot be changed. The location of weight is in the center of the foot. Eyes need to look ahead, without weakening the tension in the back.

Gently lift your chest and hips. This must be done at the same time. Then proceed to further pull the bar up using the strength of your knees.

Hips to the bar

It is important to understand the difference between the fact that the hips are applied to the bar, and not vice versa. As soon as the bar is above the knee, the hips approach it. The crossbar should move up. To do this, you need to use the broad muscles, as well as the muscles of the back.

It is necessary to retract the neck into the hip pocket and come into contact with it. This allows you to achieve the best power generation by keeping the force in the triple extension position. The bar will move from the kneecap to the hips much more strongly compared to the first snatch.

After, you need to unbend the hips and legs completely. This forms an upward momentum.

Expansion and thrust

As you extend your hips and legs, use your hands to pull the bar up and slightly back. Especially when the legs are fully extended, or they are in the triple extension stage. After that, you need to pull up a little under the bar when it is at the level of the chest.

You can pull up when you reach the last position during the overhead squat. You have to deliberately pull the bar up to catch the weight. It is important to make sure that it does not put pressure on you.

Catch and finish the job

The process of catching is that you need to catch the bar when it stops moving. It is important to do this when you are in an overhead squat. This is a very stable position that strains the muscles of the whole body. This provides the ability to support an overhead load.

The knees should look out a little. It is recommended to strain the body and strengthen the shoulders. Once you learn to control the snatch movement, you can complete the exercise.

Types of jerks and their implementation

You need to understand that there are different options for jerking in CrossFit. All of them are found during basic and standard training.

Hang snatch

Often this variant of the snatch is found in metcons. This is a very common type, which is used as auxiliary strength training. Hang snatch provides an improvement on the classic snatch.

First, the bar must be raised in the hang. To do this, it must be placed in the center of the thigh, slightly above the knee, or on the kneecap itself. After that, you need to sharply pull the crossbar, applying the maximum amount of effort. After that, you need to go under it.

Grab the bottom and start moving up. Keep repeating the steps. This kind of snatching provides a quick pull, and you can get under the bar faster. It is important to compensate for the momentum that is created when you lift the bar off the floor. It is important to do this quickly and make the maximum amount of effort.

Power snatch

This is a very common exercise that is found in CrossFit. The power snatch technique is often used by those who have chosen the method of metcons or WOD strength exercises. Power snatch, in its principle, resembles an exercise from the category of weightlifting. However, power snatches differ in the depth of capture.

You need to start the exercise in the same way as in the case of a regular snatch. You need to get to the point where traction is required. After you need to catch the snatch in a powerful position, do a squat of only ¼. Yes, the bar needs to be pulled a little higher so that you are directly under it.

Squat snatch

This option is the most popular. Almost all trainers include squat snatches in the CrossFit training program. It is performed according to the principle of start, thrust, and finish position, as mentioned earlier.

Snatch with muscles

This variation helps to reduce the explosive component of the thigh during the snatch. You need to apply the maximum amount of force that should be generated by the upper body. The technique is a bit like a classic snatch.

However, after the pull with arms and shoulders is completed, you have to continue pulling up the bar in the overhead squat position. You cannot go under it much, as in other options.

These types of snatches are appropriate when several repetitions are required. If you have well-developed strength, muscle snatches help save time. You don’t have to lower yourself every time, after every rep, or get off the ground to build strength.

At the same time, the muscles of the arms and chest develop intensively. If you follow your figure, you should pay attention to this type of snatching.

Dumbbell snatch

This is a pretty great metcon exercise. Dumbbell snatch is often included in a training program that focuses on strength and cardio. It is important to do a lot of repetitions. This is a fairly optimal solution if you have weak muscles, or if there is an imbalance in the muscles.

To do a snatch, you first need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbells between your legs. Proceed to traction, as in the case of a barbell snatch. Raise your knees and hips evenly. Hips after you need to quickly straighten, tighten the dumbbells, and lower. Try to fix the dumbbell in a powerful squat position, and rise to unlock it.

Often, trainers include alternating power snatches with dumbbells in their training program. The essence of this variation is that you need to smoothly mix the weight from hand to hand when performing a repetition. You can practice a little with the overhead squat.

Yes, it can take a lot of time and effort to master the process. However, at first, you need to train with light dumbbells, gradually increasing your weight.

Kettlebell snatch

The essence of this snatch is that only one hand is involved. Therefore, this option is more complicated. Follow the same instructions as for dumbbells. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, quickly straighten your hips, and shrug your shoulders. Then you need to lift the weight high.

As soon as the inventory is at the level of the face, it should be sharply raised. It is important to make every effort to catch the kettlebell over your head and keep your wrist straight. This will greatly reduce the chance of injury. Try to train with light weights in the beginning to avoid injury. Then gradually increase the load.

Balancing snatch

This method helps to improve catches. First, you have to hold the barbell on your back. However, keep your hands like this, whether you are performing a wide snatch grip. You need to fix the bar overhead squat. Gradually lower yourself under the bar and catch it over your head. Then stand up and start repeating.

Snatch with fall

First, you need to hold the barbell on your back and keep your hands in the same position as in the previous version. Then make a jump under the crossbar, and perform a punch with your hands to the ceiling. Feet should rise above the ground. You need to lock the bar overhead squat.

In this technique, you do not encounter failure or push. You just fall under the bar.

Sots press

This option helps to strengthen the muscles in the shoulders and helps to make the upper body more flexible. The barbell without load must be held on the back. Then wrap your arms around the bar and transfer your weight to your heels.

Next, you need to squeeze the bar over your head, creating a wide snatch grip position. Stay in the overhead position for a while. Perform up to 15 repetitions. The torso must be always upright and balanced. If you can’t keep the barbell on top of your head, you’ll have to train harder.


As you can see, CrossFit snatches are easy if you train them and don’t try to do everything right the first time. Only diligent and painstaking work will help you perform the exercise correctly, which will not cause injury.

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